Dr Wong Sze-hung, President of Osteoporosis Society Hong Kong

Dr Cheung Ching-lung, HKU’s Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy, committee member of American Society of Bone and Mineral Research

Mr William Chui, President of Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Hong Kong

Dr Fan Ning, Founder of Health in Action

Mr Samuel Mak, Founder of Silveriders

Ms Amy Wong, Founder of Osteoporosis Concern Group

The Osteoporosis Primary Care Task Force is formed by a group of healthcare experts, academics and non-profit organisations to push for the government to introduce a universal DXA screening to reduce the public healthcare burden of bone fracture caused by osteoporosis in elderly people. Our activities include,

A wholesome user-journey in the primary care setting: from public education, screening, diagnosis and lifestyle intervention to treatment as to reduce the rate of fragile fractures.

  • Promote disease awareness and osteoporosis prevention knowledge in Kwai Tsing (KT) District
  • Enhance self-management ability
  • Improve awareness and self-management
  • Meliorate treatment rate and provide case follow-up

In December 2019, the Task Force launched the Osteoporosis Primary Care Pilot Project. The expected outcome after a year:

安老事務委員會主席林正財醫生 同大家分享一下「3高1鬆」

骨折真係殺到埋身喇! 香港嘅人口老化問題愈嚟愈嚴重,而長者因為骨質疏鬆引起嘅脆弱性骨折個案都相應增加。骨質疏鬆基層醫療大聯盟希望透過一連串嘅地區活動加強大眾對骨質疏鬆嘅關注,同時推動政府改善政策,普及骨質疏鬆篩查,以減輕本地骨折嘅情況,包括:- 健康講座- 骨質疏鬆風險之問卷調查- 骨質密度(DXA)篩查- 個案跟進- 分析及整理數據- 政策建議想知多啲,即刻睇吓林正財醫生 – 安老事務委員會主席 「3高1鬆」嘅介紹啦!查詢: 5543 4145 杜先生 - Health In Action 醫護行者

Posted by Silveriders 銀騎士 on Monday, March 2, 2020

Justin Lau
Tel: +852 5543 4145
Email: stktosteo@gmail.com